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27 Dec

GAYA, PRICE, BRANDED, AMAN atau NYAMAN Kah STRAPS Yang Anda Pilih untuk Camera ANDA??

Published by Keke Achmad

GAYA,  PRICE,  BRANDED,  AMAN atau NYAMAN Kah STRAPS Yang Anda Pilih untuk Camera ANDA??

Ulasan kali ini Saya memilih untuk menulis tentang CAMERA STRAPS bukan tentang membandingkan Strap Merek apa yang paling BAGUS dan MURAH yang sesuai dan harus anda pakai.

Penggunaan Camera Strap baik Neck-Strap Maupun Hand-straps akan memberikan kita kesan aman dan tentu saja pilihlah yang membuat Anda nyaman.
Di pasar Perlengkapan dan Accessories camera Saat ini berbagai strap camera yang keren dan berkualitas dapat Anda tumpukan dan Anda bebas memilih sesuai selera dan gaya Anda masing-masing.

Perlu diingat, Ulasan tentang tali Kamera ini adalah berdasarkan pengamatan manual kami sebelum melakukan uji Coba produksi.
Karena keterbatasan Dana kami memelihara Kamera yang kami miliki sedemikian ketat, di sayang-sayang dan menjauhkannya dari hal-hal yang membuatnya mudah cedera dan cacat.
- tempat penyimpanannya
- keamanan tas yang menyimpannya
- ke Amana tali yang digunakannya

Berdasakan Hal tersebut kami mencoba berbagi kepada Anda untuk mencermati kembali strap yang akan Anda Gunakan pada camera ke sayangan Anda.

1. Gunakan Tali yang memiliki sedikit unsur Metal karena tanpa Anda sadari metal pada strap Anda akan merusak body camera, dengan gesekan-gesekan yang terjadi

2.jika anda menyukai gaya strap dengan accent metal, Maka Pastikan Anda Melindungi metal tersebut dengan lapisan lain agar tidak menyentuh body camera secara langsung

3. Atau Kaitkan tali tambahan pada strap tersebut agar berjarak lebih jauh dari body camera

4.Pastikan Anda membeli tali camera neck/hand strap yang dilengkapi dengan pelindung ring

5.pilihlah material bahan yang kuat, selain awet / tahan lama dan yang terpenting adalah Aman. Yang menghindari camera Anda mudah jatuh

6.selain material kulit, material lain tali dengan bahan katun tebal juga banyak digunakan sebagai tali camera. Namun Pastikan jangan yang berbahan nylon /poly yang halus dan licin untuk menghindari tali Slip/ mudah merosot.

7 jangan menggunakan hook plastik atau pun metal, selain rentan patah kedua nya sering tidak pas menyangkut pada ring kuping camera.

Berikut beberapa Tautan yang mungkin dapat menjadi referensi Anda dalam memilih tali camera

Selamat Membahas 😘

Wired. Com
That entire situation places a whole lot of stress
on your bank account and your camera’s neck strap. One false loop or careless threading decision through the proper buckles and clips can end in a costly disaster: A couple grand worth of photo gear sliding off your neck, free-falling into a ravine, and leaving you photoless, broke, and sad. So do yourself a favor and make sure that big, bulky camera is secured correctly.

Even if you’re a knot-tying expert, you should still check your strap before every outing to make sure everything is secure — especially if you’re sharing or borrowing equipment. WIRED Photo Director Jim Merithew suffered a smashed Leica when a “friend” of his attached the strap incorrectly before he used it. The camera slipped off his neck strap, rebounded off a marble floor, and took on career-ending damage.

“Friends don’t let friends mess with their camera straps,” says Merithew.

Here’s how to attach your camera strap the right way and ensure your DSLR doesn’t become the world’s most expensive paperweight.

First, loop the strap through the eyelet from the outside in. But don’t stop here.

1. Start with the strap facing the right way: The exposed top and bottom of the strap buckle should be facing outward. Working towards the camera, thread the loose end of the strap through the camera’s metal loop. Then thread the loose end of the strap through the little fastener that’s attached to the strap.

Caution: YOU ARE NOT DONE! Leaving the camera strap like this is a terrible idea.

In this step, we’re just giving you some slack so that step 3 is easier.

2. Push the upper portion of the strap through the top part of the buckle. This part is just giving you a little bit of slack for the next step.

Thread the buckle from the inside, top opening first, with the loose end of the strap.

3. Thread the loose end of the strap through the top inside end of the buckle first, then back down through the bottom outside opening of the buckle.
When you’re finished, you should have a double loop threaded through each buckle with no dangling loose ends.

4. Obviously, repeat steps 1-3 with the other end of the strap.

You’re all set. Your camera should be safe and secure while dangling from your neck, and you won’t have any messy loose ends hanging off the buckle.


Lifehacker. Com
The Pros, Cons, and Alternatives to Using a Camera Strap

Camera straps will give you safety and security, but they're not always comfortable and they can get in the way. The photo experts at Stack Exchange offer some advice on whether you need a strap and present some alternatives.

What are the pros and cons of using a camera strap? My personal preference is to use no strap at all, which I find best for my shooting habits. And what other straps are available? How do they address the problems of the default strap?

See the full original question here.

Neck Strap Pros & Cons (Answered by Itai)

Context is what defines what a photographer should use. Without knowing in what context people use camera straps, it's tough to pick if a strap is right for you, and if so, which.

The strap I use is a heavily Padded version, version of the standard neck-strap. It makes a world of difference for comfort, but otherwise works much like standard strap, although it does have a quick-release system which I rarely use.

Faster lens changes: Straps allow a camera to hang conveniently right in front of me—a great spot to change lenses, which I sometimes do dozens of times per day. When strapless, it takes me at least twice the time.
Fail-Safe: The neck-strap I use stays on my neck most of the time. If I set up my tripod on a precarious location, I keep my neck through the strap. Shooting downwards from a balcony, you better keep the strap on!
Security: Keeps the camera safe from accidental knocks. If it gets knocked or I get pushed, chances are the camera will not fall. In some environments such as crowded streets or markets, it is impossible to prevent something from knocking the camera.
Hands-Free:: There are plenty of things to do while taking pictures that work better with both hands free: handing out business cards, writing people's emails, handing out model-release forms, etc.
Anti-Theft: There's less risk someone can take away my camera if its attached to my neck. Some camera straps have an embedded metal wire to prevent slashing.
Multiple Cameras Cameras: The straps may get entangled but at least it makes it easy to shoot with multiple cameras.

Noticeable: A camera strap makes it obvious that there is someone with a camera taking photos.
Shooting Down Down: When shooting the nadir shot for a panorama, the strap needs to be carefully folded up to prevent it from showing up in images.
There are a few different straps which I use regularly, mostly with smaller cameras. My favorite stealth strap is a Hand-Strap, which wraps around the palm, though some photographers prefer a wrist strap. There are pros and cons for these straps as well:

Pro: More safety than no strap. Particularly
Particularly from accidental knocks.
Con: Strain risk: Strain risk. With a hand strap, you support the weight of the camera at all times, so I rarely use it with something big.
There are tons of custom straps and I have had some of the following issues with all of those that I've tried, except for the Bosstrap:
Block the tripod mount: Most rapid straps hook to the tripod mount which can be annoying when using a tripod.
Poor tripod contact tripod contact: Even the few models with a pass-through offset the mount making it so your camera is no longer aligned on its optical axis. Straps can also reduce the contact-surface between the camera and quick-release plate.
Issues with camera bags with camera bags: Have you seen the videos selling rapid straps? People never use a camera bag! My guess is that it would get entangled with a shoulder-bag (my favorite), not work at all with a sling (second favorite), and probably cause difficulty with a backpack, which you should probably never use for photography anyway.

There are a few more complex options aimed at professionals that I haven't yet tried:

Harness: A harness can provide good comfort and distribution of weight, while holding multiple cameras easily. It can be extremely secure.
Holster: You can have holsters which attach to your belt (a friend actually had two sewn to a padded belt) and simply draw the cameras out and drop them back when you need to free your hands. This worked well for two cameras with one lens each but probably won't work if you need to carry more.
Belt-Clips: Clips are also available that attach to an ordinary belt with a matching piece that screws into the tripod-mount, but lets the camera slip and lock into the clip quickly.
Versatile Alternatives (Answered by tenmiles)
In addition to camera bags designed as a "holster" such as the Naneu C5, there are systems such as the Capture Clip, and the Spider Holster which allow you a little more versatility.

The Capture is pretty nice because the mounting plate is Arca Swiss (you have to use their plate with their bracket, but their plate works with other Arca Swiss products, like tripod heads), and it has a fairly low profile. I have medium sized hands and I can use my camera in portrait mode with my hand wrapped around the grip and over the bracket without any issues. It's not uncomfortable like other brackets I've tried. The only disadvantage I can think of is that the bracket can be uncomfortable if you're sitting down and it's around your waist.

The Spider Holster comes highly recommended from some pros I know. At over $135, the Spider is relatively expensive, but it is supposed to be very comfortable and secure.

Use Metal covering

Use Metal covering

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